Tourism in Germany

Дата: 15.05.2014


The South Ural State University

The paper work:


Written by:
Shamanova Nadejda Andreevna
Group: S-151
Checked by:
Kovaleva Olga Ivanovna




Introduction. 4

1. Germany 5

2. Getting there 7

3. Accommodation in Germany. 10

4. Where to go. 13

4.1.Festivals 13
4.2. National Parks 15
4.3. Routs in Germany. 20

5. A Journey to Berlin 24

5.1. Accommodation in Berlin 24
5.2. Sightseeing in Berlin 28
5.3. Eat, Drink, Nightlife 32

Conclusion. 34

Literature 35

Sites 35


Germany is rich by its tourist recourses. Each land has a lot of various
places of interest. «Come and be enchanted by the HISTORIC HIGHLIGHTS OF
GERMANY!» — This is the motto chosen by thirteen historic German cities
that have joined together to offer you some truly incomparable travel
experiences. They will all fascinate and delight you — Augsburg, Bonn and
Bremen; Erfurt, Freiburg, Heidelberg and Lьbeck; Mьnster and Potsdam;
Regensburg and Rostock; Trier and Wьrzburg.
Each of these many-faceted cities is steeped in history. At every turn
you will encounter the great names of the past and enjoy the architectural
and artistic heritage of great eras. Deep in the heart of Europe, Germany
has had a seminal impact on Continental history. From the Holy Roman Empire
to Otto Von Bismarck's German Reich, Nazism and the rise and fall of the
Berlin Wall, no other nation has moulded Europe the way Germany has — for
better or worse.
Here, history really comes to life. And life comes to life too- in every
season the calendars are jam-packed with events for every taste: Top
quality concert series, art exhibitions, outstanding theatre, major
international sporting events, colourful street festivals and traditional
Christmas Markets sparkle with lights. This rich, interwoven tapestry of
the past and the modern is also the key to the charm and dynamism of the
historic highlights.
Fairy-tale castles, medieval towns, boisterous beer halls, breathtaking
landscapes and a cutting-edge arts scene — the land of Beethoven and
Bratwurst delights, excites and inspires.

1. Germany

The lowlands in the north of Germany stretch from the Netherlands to
Poland, skimming southern Denmark where it bridges the North and Baltic
seas. The industrialised central belt cinches Belgium and Luxembourg to the
Czech Republic's western prong. The Rhine and Main Rivers, long crucial for
inland shipping, power through the troughs and gorges which cut through the
Central Uplands. To the south, the Danube River drains the Bavarian
highlands from the Black Forest, near the French and Swiss borders, to
Munich. The southern reaches of the Bavarian Alps give way to Austria.
Germany is not prey to dramatic climatic extremes, although there are
regional differences. The most reliably good weather is from May to
October, with high summer a good bet for shorts and T-shirt, even in the
north. Autumn is a good time to visit Germany. As the tourist scrum
disperses and the forests turn golden, it's not too stifling to be active
but still thirsty enough to end the day with a few well-deserved steins.
Winter is wet, especially in the south, with snow rarely settling for long
except in the high country.

Facts for the Traveler
Visas: EU citizens can enter on an official identity card. Americans,
Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders and Japanese just need a valid
passport (no visa). Unless you're a citizen of a developing country, you
can probably stay up to three months.

Time Zone: GMT/UTC +1 (Central European Time)

Dialling Code: 49

Electricity: 230V, 50Hz

Weights & measures: Metric

When to Go
The German climate is variable so it's best to be prepared for all types
of weather throughout the year. That said, the most reliable weather is
from May to October. This coincides, naturally enough, with the standard
tourist season (except for skiing). The shoulder periods can bring fewer
tourists and surprisingly pleasant weather. There is no special rainy
Germans love to party, and kick up their heels at everything from pagan
harvest romps to black tie opera galas. The Winter Carnival (Fasching)
season occurs throughout Germany, with big cities such as Cologne (Kцln),
Munich and Mainz erupting into commotion just before Ash Wednesday.
Germany's rich musical heritage is showcased in a plethora of festivals.
Some towns concentrate on a particular composer, such as the Thuringian
Bach Festival in March or the Richard Wagner Festival in Bayreuth each
July, whereas others focus on a particular style. The jazz festivals in
Stuttgart (April) and Berlin (November) are lively and popular. Autumn is a
great time for harvest-inspired mayhem, especially in the Rhineland, where
the Rhine in Flames frolics feature barges laden with fireworks. Mention
must be made of Oktoberfest, Munich's annual lager frenzy, but it's a bit
like being stuck in a nightmarish soccer crowd and is more an example of
tourism at its lowest ebb than a display of German culture. Christmas fairs
are embraced wholeheartedly by German families; they occur in Munich,
Nuremberg, Lьbeck, Berlin, Mьnster and Heidelberg, amongst other places.

2. Getting there

Getting There & Away
The main arrival/departure points for flights in Germany are Frankfurt-
am-Main, Munich and Dьsseldorf. Frankfurt is Europe's busiest airport after
Heathrow. An airport departure tax of around US$5 is included in ticket
prices. If you're already in Europe, it's generally cheaper to get to and
from Germany by train or bus. While train travel is often more expensive
than catching a bus, it's generally faster, more comfortable (particularly
for overnight travel) and more efficient. Germany is served by an excellent
highway system connected to the rest of Western Europe. Roads from Eastern
Europe are being upgraded but some border crossings are a little slow,
especially from Poland. To enter Germany with a car or motorbike, you must
have third-party insurance. Ferries run between Germany's northern coast
and Scandinavia and the UK.
Getting Around
By train. Getting around Germany is easy. Domestic air travel is
extensive but unless you're in an awful hurry, you might as well save your
money — the German train network is wonderful. The railway system enables
everyone to travel comfortably to their destination. There are good
connections to both distant and local areas. Airports (Berlin Schцnefeld,
Dьsseldorf, Munich and Stuttgart) are also merged into this system. There
are 60 different connections to the neighboring European countries that
originate daily in Germany. The customs clearance usually takes place on
the train once it has left the station.
The eastern and western train systems have now been fully merged,
although fares in the east are still cheaper. Numerous fares and ticket
passes are available. There is usually a surcharge for the InterCity
Express (ICE) trains but it's worth it to travel 250km/h (155mph) through
the German countryside. Forget about buses until you're in train-unfriendly
By bus. A European bus service completes the railway system. It offers
special connections on particularly interesting routes to tourists.
Information regarding the bus system is also available in each travel
A journey by bus will guarantee comfortable travelling. Enjoy and
experience towns and landscapes in a relaxing way. Lean back and enjoy the
view of diverse landscapes from large bus windows or visit one of Germanyґs
famous towns.Get on and relax — once you are comfortably seated, your well-
earned holidays will begin. Besides, you have chosen an environmentally
friendly way of travelling.
Internationaler Bustouristik Verband e.V. (RDA), the international
federation of bus tour operators, has set up a list of operators offering
bus journeys. The list is set up according to the Lands of the Federal
Republic of Germany and is available. Here you will find numerous journeys
based on particular themes, sightseeing tours and club tours. It is also
possible to set up your own journey in co-operation with the operator.
Deutsche Touring GmbH offers attractive journeys on public service buses
along Germanyґs touristic holiday routes. Today Deutsche Touring is one of
the most important bus companies in Europe. In cooperation with foreign
partners, it provides regular international services linking over 700
cities throughout Europe. Regional and urban public transportation
operators and associations offer a rich network of short distance bus
By car. If you are travelling by car, an ultra-modern and efficient
freeway network awaits you. Over 700 restaurants, gas stations, motels and
kiosks are open day and night to travellers driving across the
approximately 11,000 km freeway network of the Federal Republic.
German roads are excellent, and motorised transport can be a great way
to tour the country, although most towns have problems with car-parking.
The national and famous motorway network known as autobahn can be wonderful
and nightmare.
Bicycle touring in Germany is very popular. There are often separate
cycling routes in the cities, towns and in the countryside, but cycling on
the autobahn is strictly not allowed.

3. Accommodation in Germany.

There is a wide variety of accommodation possibilities in Germany
ranging from a private room to a vacation home up to a luxury hotel. There
are also lower priced lodgings available. Either way, standards are set and
checked so that you can expect a comfortable place to stay in every case.
Hotel corporations and regional and local tourism organisations publish
their own accommodation directories. You can make room reservations
directly through the hotel chain reservation systems, hotel corporations,
the airports and tourism organisations. Travel agencies also work closely
with hotels.
More and more hotels and hotel chains in Germany are including youth
specials into their programs. Special youth hostels and youth hotels have
dedicated and specialised themselves to tourists needs. They can even be
accommodated close to the city centers. Vacation villages and vacation
apartments are a good idea for spending more than one night somewhere.
Tourists can also spend the night at one of more than 2000 camping sites or
in one of over 600 youth hostels. Bed & Breakfast is not just a British
speciality. Almost all tourist information points can find you a private
room on arrival and can sometimes even make advance reservations.

Hotel rooms in Germany have a wide selection of price ranges. You can
stay overnight in luxury suites, rooms in middle class hotels or very
inexpensive accommodation in smaller hotels. From Flensburg to Munich, from
Aachen to Dresden, you can find hotels to fit your needs according to
German hotel classification standards. Hotels are classified based on a
uniform criteria and are categorised by a certain number of stars (i.e.
**** = luxurious). Some of Germanys` finer hotels are Accor,
ArabellaSheraton and Maritim

Camping & Caravaning

Whether staying in an RV trailer, motorhome or within the four walls of
your tent, you can be right at home in any beautiful setting. For a few
days or several weeks, delightful landscapes can be directly outside your
front door. Relax in nature and recover from the hectic pace of everyday
life. Germany offers an abundance of camp sites in areas chosen for the
incredible scenery they possess, and their gates are open to everyone. For
your vacation, you can choose from sites located in more tourist areas or,
for longer stays, get away to more remote locations in the middle of the
most gorgeous surroundings.

Guesthouses & inns

Besides hotels in all categories, there is naturally also a variety of
guesthouses and inns which can be found almost everywhere in Germany. They
offer a good opportunity for enjoying a low-priced vacation in a family

Youth hostels

The youth hostels in Germany are open to all people, whether young or
old. Suitable for short visits or longer stays, hostels are ideal for many
different types of people and activities. Guests can include single people,
families, tour groups, sport teams and youth groups. They come for
everything from vacation camps to ski trips as well as conferences and
seminars. The only requirement is that one must be a member of the German
Youth Hostel Association.

Vacation on a farm

The most beautiful time of the year is awaiting you right outside your
door. Vacation farm areas can provide with peaceful, unencumbered days.
Out in the country, you will find elements of life that you otherwise may
not experience. Instead of the hectic pace of everyday life that makes you
feel unacknowledged, you encounter real hospitality in a warm, personal

You will find yourself rejuvenated in such a natural setting whether
just walking outside, fishing, biking or horseback riding. There's no end
to the new experiences and discoveries you can make. The hosts of the farm
will spoil you with regional delicacies like fragrant fresh breads, home-
made sausages and cheeses as well as wine and juices from own vineyards.
Diverse leisure activities for both young and old round off the whole
experience in the country.
Bed and Breakfast
A Bed and Breakfast is typically a lower-priced alternative to hotels
and inns. Instead of staying in anonymous hotel beds, you sleep in cosy,
private guest rooms. You are welcomed cordially by your hosts who offer a
pleasant atmosphere in which to enjoy your stay. In the morning, breakfast
is prepared just for you according to your taste. Your hosts take a
personal interest in helping you with providing tips and information about
the area, the country and the people.

4. Where to go.


A) The Berlinale.
From its beginning in post war Berlin, the Berlinale was designed to be
an international rather than a national film festival.

Over the years the festival has cemented its status as major European film
festival and is easily as important as its competitors in Venice and

The Golden and Silver Berlin bear and many honorary awards are much sought-
B) Love parade in Berlin
German techno guru Dr. Motte and 150 of his closer friends started the
rave in 1989. They met at Berlin's 'Ku'damm' to celebrate a party and to
demonstrate for tolerance and love.

Successfully: the mobile party attracts en-vogue DJs and an enthusiastic

Some facts: In 2000, the loveparade's busiest year to date, 250 DJs on 53
wagons partied together with over a million guests.

Recently, Austria, Israel, South Africa and Mexico have joined the craze
and organised their own love parades.
C) Frankfurt's Bookfair
Frankfurt is a big player in global trade fair business. An annual
average of 80 fairs and exhibitions attract numerous visitors from all over
the world.

One of the highlights is Frankfurt's book fair. The biggest book fair
worldwide dates back to the 15th century. Its popularity has increased ever
Today, more than 250,000 annual visitors flood the fair.

The aim: information on a selection of the almost 400,000 books which are
being presented. Readings, talks, interviews and other side events offer
additional incentives for an interested public. Book industry, publishers,
critics, readers and writers alike are under the spell of the biggest book
fair world wide.
D) Carnival in Germany
In Germany Mardi Gras ('Fasching') is also referred to as the fifth and
foolish season ('die nдrrische Zeit'). It is a time of elaborate parades,
masks, balls and election of Carnival king and queen and official madness.

The exact time of celebration and the traditions vary from county to
county, but it generally takes place in early spring. Munich, Cologne,
Mainz are strongholds of Mardi Gras celebrations.

Switzerland and Austria, too, join the party with enthusiasm following
their own traditions.

E) Munich's 'Oktoberfest'
Even though it is called 'Oktoberfest', the festival actually takes
place in September, as Bavarian autumn can be tricky and surprise with
early cold and snow. Today, the 'Oktoberfest' is the largest festival
worldwide attracting a multitude of visitors. Apart from beer tents the
festival offers amusements as diverse as roller coasters, circus
appearances, festive parades and live brass bands.

The ceremonial opening happens at noon. The mayor arrives in a festive
coach followed by a decorated horse-drawn brewer's cart. Guests, staff and
the numerous brass bands are all wearing traditional costumes (lederhosen
and dirndls) for the occasion. At the end of the parade the major taps the
first keg of beer and shouts, «o'zapft is!» (The keg is tapped).

It takes good nerves and a solid stomach to survive the festivals 16 days
of intensive partying. However, the festival is a huge success: Apart from
attracting a multitude of visitors the festivals brand name 'Oktoberfest'
has been exported all over the world.

4.2. National Parks

A) The Jasmund National Park

The Jasmund National Park offers many different landscapes within a very
small area. Come and visit a cretaceous landscape with numerous bogs, wet
grasslands and dry meadows. The most renowned attraction are the chalk
cliffs surrounding the Kцnigsstuhl which have been captured in paintings by
the famous artist Caspar David Friedrich.
Apart from the Kцnigsstuhl, the highest point on the chalk coastline,
the whole length of the chalk coastline is impressive. It stretches over a
length of 10 km, reaches a height of 117 m and consists of both active and
inactive cliffs, illustrating the dynamics of an active steep coastline.
The national park offers a wide range of activities, such as hiking and
bicycle tours, excursions and seminars which give the opportunity to
explore the most beautiful hiking trails through the regionґs forested
The Stubnitz area is not just worth a visit because of its magical chalk
landscape, it is also the home of mythical figures.

On guided tours, organised on a regular basis by the national park
administration, you will find out everything about Hertha, a Germanic
goddess, and Stцrtebecker, a pirate who is said to have buried treasure
somewhere in this area.

— Cape Arkona with the little town of Vitt

— the fishing port of Sassnitz with its fishing museum

— «Piratenschlucht» (pirateґs gorge) in Sassnitz

— Greifswald's museum with an exhibition of paintings by Caspar David

— historic craftsmen's dwellings in Gingst

— Grьmbke lookout tower near Neuenkirchen

Jasmund offers a wide range of guided tours (daily tours take place from
April — September, both from the parking lot in Hagen to the Kцnigsstuhl
and from Sassnitz to the bizarre rock formations of «Wissower Klinken»).

Furthermore, you can visit numerous exhibitions (at the national park
visitorsґ center at the Kцnigsstuhl and also at the Granitz hunting lodge
near Sellin).

The biosphere reserve «South East Rьgen» organises further hiking and
bicycle tours, as well as excursions.

B) The Wadden Sea of Hamburg National Park
The Wadden Sea of Hamburg National Park, which is the smallest of three mud-
flats national parks, is characterized by three islands:

«Neuwerk», widely covered with meadows and with a population of 40,
«Scharhцrn», with its sand dunes, and «Nigehцrn» which has been created
artificially. The island group is located directly at the mouth of the
river Elbe near Cuxhaven in northern Germany and protects a landscape of
approximately 12,000 hectares of wadden sea.
On guided tours you not only have the opportunity to learn about the
regionґs landscape but also about the islandsґ historical background.

On the way from Neuwerk to Scharhцrn you will walk along trails leading
across seemingly endless mud-flats. Scharhцrn, which used to be a sandbank,
is a tourist attraction mainly for its sea bird colonies. On a visit to the
ornithological station you will see one of the largest colonies of sea

— carriage ride across mud-flats from Sahlenburg to the island of Neuwerk

— voyage with the MS «Flipper» from Cuxhaven to the island of Neuwerk

— guided walks across the Wadden sea

— guided tours to the bird colonies, salt marshes and wadden sea of Neuwerk

— guided tours to Scharhцrn, the bird sanctuary

— searching for amber on the «Kleiner Vogelsand»

— amber exhibition on the island of Neuwerk

We recommend national park visitors on day trips to take a walk along the
main dyke, from which you can see the foreshore with its bird colonies but
also the islandґs interior. Cars are banned on the islands. For this reason
tours, for example, to the fortified tower of the island of Neuwerk,
through the salt marshes of the foreshore with their abundance of flora and
fauna, or to the «Ostschleuse» lock, can either be made on foot or by horse-
drawn carriage.

C) The Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony National Park
Make a trip to one of the most impressive wadden sea landscapes. High
up, in northern Germany, at the North Sea coast of Lower Saxony, the Wadden
Sea of Lower Saxony National Park is located. It protects the wadden seas
landscape between the river Ems and the river Elbe, including the offshore
East Frisian Islands. The national park offers amazing natural spectacles
and various landscapes, such as salt-marshes, which are typical of this
region, the steep coast near Dangast and the «swimming bog» near Sehestedt,
Germany's only remaining bog landscape located outside the country's dykes


— Wadden Sea House in Wilhelmshaven

— Norddeich seal station

— Lightship and whale-bone fence on the island of Borkum

— Fisherman's House Museum on the island of Norderney

— Dornumsiel Castle, surrounded by water

— German Shipping Museum in Bremerhaven

— Old lighthouse on the island of Wangerooge

The surrounding area offers a wide range of sightseeing opportunities, such
as the East Frisian islands of Juist and Norderney. Whether you want to go
swimming and enjoy the broad beaches, take a ride in a carriage across the
island or a walk through the salt-marshes, the national parkґs recreation
and leisure program will guarantee a lot of fun and relaxation.

D) The Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein National Park

Welcome to the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein National Park, the
largest national park in central Europe. One third of Schleswig-Holstein
belongs to the worldґs largest uninterrupted wadden sea landscape, which
reaches from the North Sea coast of the Netherlands up to Denmark. The
wadden sea, a stretch of land affected by tides, are flooded by sea water
during high tide and remain dry during low tide, a unique phenomenon
worldwide. Experience an oceanic landscape as near to nature as it can be,
with dunes, beaches, salt-marshes and «Halligen», small islands which are
not protected by dykes and therefore become flooded whenever there is a
spring tide or a heavy storm.
Experienced guides will show the amazing spectacle of low and high tide.
You can watch how, after six hours of low tide, the wadden sea become
flooded again and the deep, artificially constructed furrows — called
'Priele' — fill with water. Whether you go swimming in the sea, take a walk
along the beach or over the mud-flats, join a boat tour or watch the birds
in the salt-marshes — your holiday in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein
National Park will definitely be relaxing, for both body and soul.

— Multimar Wattforum in Tцnning, a national park center

— Husum, with its old river port and museums

— ride in a carriage to the Sьdfall Hallig

— guided hiking tour across the mud-flats

— Nordstrand tourist information center with its aquarium

— Friedrichskoog seal station

One of many possible sightseeing opportunities is a trip to the small
fishing villages which belong to the national park. You can also go on a
boat tour to the seal banks and observe a unique and fascinating animal

4.3. Routs in Germany.

Germany’s first “Vacation Routes” and “Scenic Routes” date back to
1927, each carving a path dedicated to a particular cultural or scenic
theme. Today, some 150 such routes exist, and millions of people travel
them annually. Discover Germany along the “German Castle Road,” “German
Fairytale Road,” or the most famous, the “Romantic Road.” Whatever your
interest, our Scenic Routes will guide you on a fun and exciting vacation.
A) The “Romantic Road.”
Wuerzburg Residence Palace
In every traveler's life, there are never-to-be-forgotten moments. One
of them is the transformation that begins at the exit from the A-7
Autobahn, where you enter the Romantic Road. One of the most famous of the
German Vacation Routes wends its way from Wuerzburg to Fuessen.
The Romantic Road is a 220-mile journey from the River Main to the Alps
that offers the traveler what is simply one of the most beautiful and most
engaging melange of scenery, cuisine and ambience Germany can offer.
It's all gorgeous — the stunning Wuerzburg Residence Palace, the centuries-
old panorama and magical atmosphere of Rothenburg-ob-der-Tauber and
Dinkelsbьhl, the Roman remains in Augsburg, Bavarian King Ludwig II's
unforgettable dream- castle of Neuschwanstein.

Castle of Neuschwanshtein
Wherever travellers find themselves on the Romantic Road, exceptional
cuisine, delicious wines, glorious land- and city-scapes, castles, churches
and fortresses inspire the appetite and the soul. Here, in one of the most
charming and beautiful sections of Germany, even the most cynical and
unromantic traveler cannot help but be seduced.
B) The Classic route.
Whether we pass through Erfurt, Weimar, Jena or Gotha, names such as
Goethe, Schiller, Wagner and Strauss always linger on any trip through the
«green heart of Germany».

The town of Eisenach is known as the home of the «Wartburg», the
castle once inhabited by the famous Martin Luther. It is also, however, the
city of minstrels and birthplace of Johann Sebastian Bach, whose history
can be traced in the local «Bach House» museum. Eisenach is a medieval town
which both Goethe and Wagner liked to visit, and it is a joy to wander
through the splendid forest landscapes of this area.
Wartburg castle
Along the classic route, Gotha is also worth a visit. The «Friedenstein
Palace» and annual events such as the «Ekhof Festival» all contribute to
give the town a unique touch. In Arnstadt, we reach «the gateway to the
Forest of Thuringia «.

Excursions to the «Wachsenburg Fortress», «Gleichen Castle Ruins» and
«Mьhlburg Ruins» are highly recommended.
Next stop is Weimar, «European Cultural City 1999», which links to
Goethe and Schiller. Besides «Goethe's residence», his «summer-house on the
Ilm» and the «German National Theater», the «Goethe National Museum»
represents a special attraction in the city. Not far from Weimar is a town
called Jena, known foremost for the work and life of Friedrich Schiller and
which has therefore become a popular destination.

С) The Castle Road
Historical places and charming countryside with many romantic fortresses
and fairy tale castles make the 975 km long castle route from Mannheim to
Prague a varied route. The glory of time's past still has an effect today
on many towns and villages.

The countryside is as varied as the history. The river Neckar winds
its way through the Odenwald, the Hohenloher Ebene seems to stretch
endlessly into the distance, next the rolling Frankenhцhe and then the
northern part of so-called Franconian Switzerland. The legacy of the
artloving Electors of the Palatinate can still be admired in towns such as
Mannheim, Heidelberg or Schwetzingen.
[pic] [pic]
Ludwigsburg Castle Schwerin Castle

On the tracks of the Palatinate Earls, Mosbach, Neckarzimmern or Bad
Wimpfen are certainly well worth a visit, with their picturesque old town
centres and romantic halftimbered houses. Near Heilbronn the route passes
through winegrowing areas, the medieval free city of Nuremberg and the
vererable towns of Rothenburg o. d. Tauber, Coburg, Kronach, Kulmbach,
Bayreuth right through to Karlsbad and Marienbad, the famous spa towns, to
eventually reach Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic.
All these towns with their 70 fortresses, ruins and castles line the
castle route like many pearls in a row and present themselves as impressive
witnesses to the past. Medieval towns, monasteries, historic buildings and
cultural treasures make sure the journey along the castle route becomes a
special and varied experience.

5. A Journey to Berlin

The might and scope of Prussian achievement is manifest in Berlin, one
of the world's most fascinating and troubling cities. Of strategic
importance since it first straddled the Spree River in the 13th century,
Berlin never hogged centre stage quite like it did this century. This is
the heart of Germany, its stoic beat echoing through grand public
buildings, glorious museums and theatres, and its urbane restaurants,
bustling pubs and raucous nightclubs. Today, the city, restored as the
nation's capital, is the focus of the mammoth project of reunification and
readings of Germany's mood are taken most accurately here.
Berlin is a good city to explore on foot. Take time to stroll from
Alexanderplatz to the Brandenburg Gate along Unter den Linden. The nearby
Kulturforum is a cluster of museums and concert halls on the south-eastern
side of Tiergarten that can take days to explore.

5.1. Accommodation in Berlin

During the cultural festivals? Trade fairs and conferences? Hotels are
totally booked up. The flood of tourists has increased since the opening of
the wall. Unless you have alternative accommodation, a spur-of-the-moment
trip to Berlin can be marred by an unpleasant or futile search for a hotel
room. Reservations made several weeks in advance are definitely
Luxury Hotels
1. Bristol Hotel Kempinski (Kurfurstendamm 27) – The epitomy of traditional
2. Grand Hyatt Berlin
In the new heart of Berlin at Potsdamer Platz, the modern design hotel
Grand Hyatt Berlin is adjacent to restaurants, shopping arcades, a casino
and the city's main musical theatre. The Philharmonic Theatre, New National
Gallery and Picture Gallery are located in the immediate neighbourhood; the
Government District, the city park Tiergarten and Berlin's greatest
cultural treasures are within walking distance. The city train and subway
stations at Potsdamer Platz are nearby, and Tegel International Airport is
9.4 miles/15 kilometres from the hotel.
3. Grand Hotel Esplanade ( Lutzowufer 15) — The modern, polished design
emphasises functional luxury. Centrally located between the
Kurfurstendammm, Unter den Linden and Potsdamer Platz, opposite the
Tiergarten Park, this designer hotel captures the spirit of contemporary
Berlin in a sophisticated setting. The hotel offers flexible and attractive
conference and banqueting rooms for up to 450 people. Hotel room have
bathroom, WC, telephone, fax, modem-connection, radio, TV, safe, minibar,
sound insulation, air conditioning, restaurants, 2 bars, swimming pool,
whirlpool, 3 saunas, solarium, beauty center, massage, fitness center,
hairdressing salon, 6 conference rooms for up to 450 persons, garage
parking, and conference boat. The “Esplanade” is a 5-star boat available
for conferences, parties and private celebrations. Room facilities: Air
conditioning, Minibar, Radio, Safe, Satellite TV, Sound insulation,
Telephone with modem-connection.
4. Inter-Continental (Budapester strasse 2) – the largest hotel in town.
Famous for its luxury.
5. Palace Hotel (Budapester strasse 45)
This luxury 5-star city hotel presents 282 individually decorated
rooms, including 32 suites about 55 — 225 sqm. Cable TV, refrigerated mini
bar, trouser press, soundproofed windows and further extras belong to our
standard. Its suites are appointed with marble bathrooms, exclusive hifi,
as well as whirlpool and large dressing rooms. The elegant banqueting
floors offer 12 different function rooms that can be extended to
accommodate 10 — 700 persons as well as 5 banquet rooms in the adjoining
Business Centre. Breakfast restaurant «Bon Dia», «Lounge» and «Sam's Bar»
offering snacks and cocktails. Michelin-rated-Restaurant «First Floor» with
chef Mathias Buchholz, Cafe-Restaurant «Tiffany's» and the rustic
restaurant «Alt- Nurnberg» in the bordering Europa-Center. Money exchange,
room service, laundry- and shoe cleaning service. Admission free to the
«Thermen am Europa-Center», a large health spa with sauna and swimming
First-class Hotels
Art hotel Sorat (Joachimstaler Strasse 28-29) – Art and accommodation:
the Wolf Vostell designer furniture sculptures make each room a unique
Avantgarde (Kurfurstendamm 15) – Neo-Baroque house with huge rooms
decorated with stucco mouldings.
Artemisia (Branderburgishe Strasse 18) – tiny, attractively decorated
hotel reserved exclusively for women.
Dom Hotel (Mohrenstrasse 30, Mitte) – fine modern hotel overlooking the
most beautifull square in the city: the Platz der Academy.
Mondial (Kurfurstendamm 47) – spacious rooms. The entire hotel is
designed for use by handicapped.
Hotels & Pensions.
Alpina (Trabener Strasse 3) – small villa with garden near the Grunewald
S-Bahn Station.
Kreuzberg (Grossbeerenstrasse 64) – for young, undemanding guests.
Savoy (Meinekestrasse 4) – Small but nice.
Terminus (Fasanenstrasse 48) – neither plush nor dingy.
Transit (Hagelberger Strasse 53-54) – Charming hotel for young people
who care more for atmosphere than luxury.

Youth accommodation
Jugendherberge Bayernalee
(youth hostel) – Bayernalee 36

Jugendgastehaus am Wannsee
(youth guest house) – Badeweg 1

Jugendgastehaus BERLIN
(youth guest house) – Kluckstrasse 3

Jugendgastehaus am Zoo
(youth guest house) – Hardenbergstrasse 9a

(youth guest house) – Franz-Mett-Strasse 7

5.2. Sightseeing in Berlin

A) The Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor)

The Brandenburg gate is the unquestionable symbol of Berlin and is now
regarded as one of the greatest symbols of German unity. It is the last
remaining gate of the Berlin Wall and marks the western end of the famous
Unter den Linden Boulevard. The statue on top of the arch represents Nike
driving her chariot to victory towards the West.
B) Museum Island (Museumsinsel)
The Berlin Museumsinsel is a unique ensemble of museum buildings that
illustrate the evolution of modern museum design over more than a century.
The museums include The National Gallery, The Old Museum (Altes Museum),
The Pergamon Museum and The Bode Museum.
The National Galerie is an ultra-modern building built in the 1960s. The
museum collection specialises in works from the 19th and 20th centuries as
well as international contemporary art. The National Galerie is famous for
its collection of French impressionists.
The Old Museum houses an amazing collection of 18th, 19th and early 20th-
century paintings and statues. Any prominent artist you can think of it
probably featured here.
The Pergamon Museum is immense. It is divided into five sections: the
Antiquities Collection, the Middle East Museum, the Islamic Museum, the Far
East Collection, and the Museum of Popular Art. A few days is needed to
properly explore it.
The Bode Museum's original collection of Egyptian artifacts was very
badly affected by World War II. However, there are outstanding exhibits of
Byzantine and early Christian relics on show.
B) The Tiergarten
The Tiergarten is often referred to as Berlin’s green heart. Originally
a hunting reserve for royalty, landscape architect Peter Joseph Lenne
turned the Tiergarten into a beautiful city park in 1742. During World War
II many of the trees were cut for firewood and the pristine lawns were
turned into vegetable gardens to feed the populace of Berlin. Heavy bombing
then damaged much of the rest of the park. The present-day plantings took
place just after the war and today the beautifully lush Tiergarten is a
popular place with Berliners and, to the surprise of many tourists, nude
sunbathing is permitted throughout the park. The park is over 412-acres and
it stretches for 1.75 miles west from the Brandenburg Gate.
D) The Berlin Wall
If you want to see what remains of the infamous Berlin Wall head down
Charlottenstrasse and then west along Leipzigerstrasse. There you can see
one of the best examples of what remains of the Wall.

E) The Berlin Radio Tower
The Berlin Radio Tower was built in 1924 for the Third German
Broadcasting Exhibition. Standing at 138-meters high, this steel-latticed
tower is a fantastic viewing point with panoramic bird’s-eye views of the
city. An elevator takes you to the observation deck at 125 meters to admire
the vista. There is a restaurant at the 55-meter level.
F) The Charlottenburg Palace (Schloss Charlottenburg)

The Charlottenburg Palace is the oldest surviving Prussian palace in
Germany. Building began in 1695 and was completed in 1790. There are 70
rooms and corridors crammed full of ornate furnishings and Watteau
paintings. The east wing houses an incredible collection of romanticist
paintings while the west wing houses a collection of ancient and
prehistoric art and artifacts. Take a guided tour of the royal apartments
and then stroll through the formal gardens that surround the palace.

G) The Reichstag

The Reichstag, built in 1884-94, has witnessed many of the key moments
in 20th century German history. It has seen the Proclamation of the German
Republic in 1918, endured a burning in 1933, a storming in 1945 by Russian
troops and German Reunification in 1990. Since its renovation in 1999, it
has housed the Bundestag (Parliament).

H) Soviet War Memorial (Treptower Park)
Treptower Park houses a very sobering monument to the Soviet soldiers
who died fighting Hitler. The park also contains a mass grave for the 5,000
soldiers killed in action. Walk the tree-lined avenue to see a statue of
Mother Russia crying for her dead children. There are huge white stone
reliefs set up in a manner not unlike the Stations of the Cross. They bear
quotations from Stalin and depict how the Soviets won out against Fascism.
At the far end of the park there is a massive statue of a heroic Soviet
soldier clutching a child in one arm and smashing a swastika with the
I) The Jewish Quarter
The Scheunenviertel (Stable Quarter) is both Berlin's newest hot spot
and one of its oldest areas. It was originally founded in the 17th century
outside the medieval city walls. It survived Allied bombing raids and the
Red Army's assault on the city. Recently, the quarter’s old buildings are
being reincarnated as trendy bars, cafes, restaurants, and galleries. It is
lively, trendy and bohemian and well worth a visit.

5.3. Eat, Drink, Nightlife

Berlin offers a wide range of possibilities to go out. Restaurants, Pubs
and clubs of all kind and for every gusto invite you. Many places and
streets are perfect night walks because one restaurant is here next to the
Many restaurants invite you to discover the delicacies of Berlin's
cuisine. In a cosy ambiance you can savour the regional specialities and
discover the variety of typical food along the meetballs (Bouletten) and
Berliner WeiЯe (beer with juice).
The whole world is at home in Berlin. Restaurants offer food from around
the world, from Argentina to Zimbabwe, folkloristic or exclusive. You are
at the right place in Berlin to go on a culinary journey around the world
or to discover really particular food.
[pic] [pic]
Night owls with stamina can also give their undivided attention to the
interesting range of pubs around Savignyplatz in Charlottenburg. The area
consist of a great number of restaurants and bars where everyone can meet
the stars of television or Berlin's culture and political scene. Here is
the melting pot that combines symbolically the former west and the new
centre to a harmonic construction.
Pariser StraЯe and Ludwigkirchplatz
Especially the younger crowd is attracted to the Pariser StraЯe. At this
location you will find taverns, bars, American diners, Mexican restaurants
and very modern and stylish discos. During the summer life concentrates on
the street in form of many chairs and tables that invite us to rest. In the
middle of this street the well-maintained Ludwigkirchplatz with its rich
areas of green providing a relaxing shadow is located.

The Winterfeldtplatz and Schцneber
The Winterfeldtplatz is the location of a frequently visited market. In
the numerous taverns and bars, plenty of customers, tourists and locals
meet each other. The scene is uncomplicated and open minded, also due to
the presence of Berlin's gay population.
In GoltzstraЯe the Schцnebergers meet in places such as the Cafй M, Lux
or one of the numerous Indian snack bars. Between Schцneberg and Tiergarten
the 90° is still an up-to-date party location. But the Latinamerican Clubs
El Barrio or the Caracas Bar invite for a visit as well.


Germany is among the most attractive countries for tourists because it
has developed tourist and hospitality industry. In every city or even in
the country tourists have an opportunity to find accommodation and to taste
the national dishes. And there are everywhere numerous places of interest
in Germany.
Every year a lot of tourists visit Germany to see its amazing and
outstanding sightseeing. There is no doubt that tourists visited Germany
wouldn’t be disappointed.


1.Western Europe on a shoestring.
2.Berlin. Insight pocket guide.



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